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Due to current problems with this group, BTM will no longer support this group. After many talks and re-organizations we are no longer going to provide services of any kind to this group and will be replacing this group with a new group soon. BTM Entertainment does not have to deal with attitudes and laziness for any reason what so ever nor do we have to lower our standards to make things work. For those artists who are unknownl and think they can come into the music industry with demands and no money then your sadly mistaken. No new artist has that right to make demands and have attitudes because you dont wanna hear what the music industries business is all about.

If you are interested in gaining experience and you have the following thems please contact us soon.
We need groups who are.....
1. Business minded- seeking to advance their skills by training and learning
2.Talented-talented enough to where they can be taught to refine their skills
                    3.Strong physically and mentally- We want someone or group that can handle different
                      work assignemnets that will empower them to become better in their music projects.
4. A group or person who is not about the street drama and is willing to bring ideas
and time to their projects.

The things above are the main points please contacts us soon and we will explain in detail all our goals and what we do and how we can help you.