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About Us
BTM Entertainment was founded as a means of providing  a network of musical talents whether it be playing instruments or recording vocals and more. We started this company in 2004 after breaking free from our previous parent company Dallas Delivery Systems.

Dallas Delivery Systems provided and extension of our services yet we were not in a position to assist the artist as best as we knew how with all the political corporate red tape. Since breaking free of Dallas Delivery Systems we increased our productivity rates and thus giving the local music artist a much higher rate of success by providing services tailored to their individual needs and providing a network of other artists who seek advice and inspiration.

Over the next course of months it is our goals to expand our services beyond any of our current competitions and thereby placing us as number one in this field and many others.

For more information please contact our friendly customer service department and they will be happy to explain in detail our services and fee based programs and the free based programs.